Resident Princess of Siam graciously accepted Soleste the Sun Fairy, shared her sleeping quarters with the lonely Cloud of Spun Cotton Candy, as you can see, even licked and snuggled her.

But kitties we know can hide physical pain, and in Resident Princess' case, she was hiding emotional pain, the anxiety she may be "let go" in favor of a newer model. So much was the pain she needed a larger body to hide it, so she ate, and ate and ate: her food, the baby's food, begged quietly for human food.

From the tiny tyke Princess she was ... to this 15 pounder in just 9 months that Royal Baby Soleste was with us.
From this...
... to THIS!
She even begged for her baby era Colostrum, which as we know is mother's milk and here she is burying her face in it, can this speak any louder!
Her face buried in a container of prime quality New Zealand Colostrum, on hand for wee-bitty sick baby mammals of all stripes, including Royal Baby Soleste.  Back in her baby days, this helped her along too.

We hit on a solution: we would assuage her emotional hunger, her emotional pain with a routine from her sick baby-hood when we dropper fed her everything from medicines, to nutritional supplements to water.  As we must do again with the Royal Baby SunFairy whose "dire-rear" requires constant medication, so we also do with our Royal Princess...
11/16/2010 04:37:02 pm

Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.

2/23/2011 09:33:18 am

Thanks for the interesting story, although it did get rather quite a while to accomplish browsing. (English is not my national tongue) Can I enquire where you acquired your resources from? Thank you!


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